Explosion-Proof vs. Explosion Resistance

Electric heaters are often used in operations such as coal mines, at oil and gas sites and in aircraft hangars. Because the potential for explosion exists in these locations, heating must consist of explosion-proof heaters or heating systems that are termed as being explosion resistant. What many wonder is what the difference between explosion-proof and explosion resistance is? Let’s take a closer look!
Heating Hazardous Sites
As these kinds of sites present a hazardous atmosphere, a convection or compact heating design requires that heaters must conform well in atmospheres where flammable gases, ignitable fibers or pulverized dusts are regularly generated. These kinds of residues typically result from the processing of coal, grain, or gas and other volatile substances.
Restrictions for Use
Therefore, any open flames are restricted in these kinds of locations. The use of explosion-proof heaters or heating devices is allowed, but with two primary restrictions:
- The heater’s surface temperature cannot surpass the ignition temperature in a hazardous environment; and
- Any arc and spark producing equipment must be segregated in a proper enclosure and isolated on-site.
Electric Duct Heat
In these kinds of environments then, duct type explosion-proof heaters are often used. Both equipment and people can work well at hazardous sites that make use of electric explosion-proof heaters – a heating choice that is much safer and economical to maintain than remote gas or oil-fired heating systems.
- Compact-designed heating units also add to cost savings and economy. If space is limited, then compact explosion proof heaters are an ideal alternative to convection heating. Dual over temperature controls reset the thermostat in case of a temperature cutout for an extra measure of safety.
- Explosion-proof heaters are made to be used in wet conditions as well.
When a product is termed as explosion resistant versus “explosion-proof,” it means that temperature cutout protection is available, which provides an additional safeguard from the hazards of an open flame. Explosion resistance also extends to the design of a heating cabinet.
The Major Differences
For example, a sloped roof on a cabinet prevents objects from being set on the convector, all which can lead to an overheating problem or restriction of airflow. While “explosion resistant” units mainly concern temperature cutout protection and cabinet design, explosion-proof covers the whole gamut of environmental influences that can cause an explosion or may result in a fire.
Learn more about Heatrex’s custom explosion-proof heaters by talking to one of our knowledgeable staff today. We can provide a customized plan to fit your needs, call us today at 314-644-4300 or visit our website at www.heatrex.com.